Nothing creates heartburn and heartache quicker than realizing you’re working 50 percent harder and producing more results, yet getting paid the same as the family member next to you! One of the common problems I see in family businesses is equal pay or unfair pay. I get it. It’s easy to see why moms and dads fall back on the safe route of paying their children equally in the family business. It’s a short-term fix but it will cause long-term problems. Great family businesses design compensation systems that reward performance and results. Giving equal compensation to people who have different levels of responsibilities, producing different levels of results will build serious tension, dissatisfaction and ultimately cause long-term strife.
Here’s a short video that highlights a simple five-step process to getting away from the equal pay dilemma. I realize getting away from this equal pay problem seems insurmountable, but trust me it can be done and it needs to be done for the long-term health of your family business!