This Holiday Gift Will Transform Your Family


Here we go, it’s the holiday season and we get to go out and buy a whole bunch of gifts for people who we don’t really want to spend money on and we don’t know what to give them anyway.  It’s actually a pretty stressful time of year.  I have some holiday ideas for you that I think are going to be helpful.  Try this –  Why don’t you give them the gift of listening to them without judgment? Or how about just accepting them for who they are, accepting them with all of their flaws and humanness? Accepting you for all your flaws and when you’ve come up short?  Or how about forgiving people for things that have gone on in the past, that maybe it is time to get over? Don’t let this holiday season be stressful for you, really focus on some of these more thoughtful, meaningful gifts that will make such a difference for you and your family. 

A bonus…can you send me any ideas for what I should give Karen?  We have been together for like 25 years and I am kind of running out of ideas.

Forward this onto anyone you know will benefit.  Give me feedback. Tell me other things you would like to see in the videos and let’s go into 2013 and have a really successful year.  Get back in the game and play to your potential!

Be sure to send this to anyone whom you think could benefit from this.  If you would like to receive our free videos via email, please sign up here.

  • Posted by Coach Pete
  • Thursday, December 13th, 2012
  • Comments Off on This Holiday Gift Will Transform Your Family