Archive for September, 2011

Deliberate Practice – Emotional Self Regulation



Here’s your deliberate practice and highlight reel for this week:

Nothing makes me more frustrated than not being able to be connected to my hard drive, to my resources, to not be able to communicate or access my files.

Actually brain scientists have shown us that is exactly what happens to us (can’t connect to our hard drive) when we are overrun with emotions in difficult or frustrating situations.

The highlight reel for this week is from an executive I am coaching.
She called this week and said, “It was great! I had a very difficult, upsetting situation and I noticed that I took a breath and was able to stay calm and maintained my resourcefulness, creativity, and problem solving through the work we are doing.”


This deliberate practice is called emotional self control and regulation.  It’s like a muscle you build so that when arrows are flying at your head when you are upset or when a breakdown occurs with your staff, team or customers – you are able to take a deep breath, stay connected to your resources, solve problems, and be creative.  You will be more successful and more satisfied in what you do.

That is your deliberate practice for this week. Practice it. If you have a question about it or need help call me. Get out there and build this muscle!

  • Posted by Coach Pete
  • Thursday, September 22nd, 2011
  • Comments Off on Deliberate Practice – Emotional Self Regulation

Deliberate Practice – Talk to Key Employees


Here’s some highlight film from this week working with executives all over the country. I work with a construction company in Texas and they have a deliberate practice of annual performance reviews. They also ask for feedback from employees. A longtime employee made comments about trusting the company that were a bit upsetting. The CEO went out and saw the employee to discuss his feedback. The employee said, “I can’t tell you what a difference this has made to me that you talked to me about it.”  They  talked it through and ironed out the issue.

You know this employee is going to be even more committed, more focused and will produce a higher level of results. CEOs and leaders sometimes are reluctant, they’re busy or they just don’t get out to talk or connect with their key employees – so that is your deliberate practice for this week!

Ask yourself – How often am I connecting with and having heartfelt discussions with some of my key employees?

It will make a big difference and needs to be one of your top deliberate practices. Email me at and let me know if you have taken the time to connect with your leaders and what kind of results you got.

Rocky had Mickey in his corner. Who do you have?



I just realized business leadership today is a little bit like a 15 round heavyweight boxing match.  It’s very difficult out there right now in the business world.

I’m a little bit like the guy in the corner with the stool and the bucket as a support for the prizefighter.  Many times coaching is about teaching leaders a new technique, but sometimes it’s just about providing some real time performance feedback and support.

Like the executive teams that participate in our quarterly leadership workout, we might just provide them a safe place to sit down, catch their breath and get a pat on the back.  I might tell them “keep your hands up… keep leading with your left hook and you’re doing great out there.” (About as much as I know about boxing!)

Leadership right now is what my client Eric Scollard calls “hard rock mining.”

So consider this deliberate practice… have someone in your corner who you can go to on a regular basis, if nothing else, to get to sit down, take a break, cool off and get some positive and objective feedback.

It’s tough out there.  Good luck.